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Image by Alex Seinet

Daughters' of The King Weekly Blog


Take a moment to read what's in the Father's heart for you.

Blog: Welcome

Stand Strong In the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Paul and Timothy greeted the church Philippi with much love and peace because they have been in partnership with him in sharing the...

Faith To Forgive Yourself: Signs of Self-Hatred

As we learn to forgive ourselves, we have to acknowledge the signs of self-hatred. One of the biggest signs of self-hatred is...

Faith To Be Forgiven

Do you know that many of us women cannot forgive ourselves for something we have done in the past? We view and judge our mistakes to be...

Faith To Be Loved Pt. 2

Last week we ended off with Leah praising God for her son Judah but there’s more to Leah’s story. Leah was with Jacob for 7 years and...

Faith to Be Loved

How many of you have experienced a deep rejection in your life? Throughout your entire life you feel as if people do not understand you,...

A Woman of Faith

Tonight I want to talk to you about becoming a Woman of Faith. A woman who believes in the One True Living God. I want to share my heart...

Faith in the Final Hour

How many of you are struggling with your Faith right now? One minute you believe and the next you’re not quite sure. If this is you be...

Eve-Through Judgement, God is still with You

Tonight, I want to talk about through judgement, God is still with us. Deuteronomy 4:31 (for the Lord your God is a merciful God), He...

Eve- The Price of Disobedience

Last week we ended off with Eve, Falling for the trap of the enemy, entering into disobedience. Genesis 3:6 6 When the woman saw that the...

Eve- Obedience over Desire

Many of us women have strong desires. We see things, we visualize things and we start to become convinced that what we saw may work out...

A Woman of Virtue, Who We Can Become

Scriptures say we are worth more than rubies {rubies- has prestigious, beauty, benefits, and the ability to impart into a persons life}....

A Woman of Virtue "Compared to Rubies"

Last week we spoke about the first few things to consider in helping us become the best we can be. We spoke about having love, grace and...

Becoming The Best You!

Over the past 2 weeks we interrupted our new series, A Woman of Virtue, Becoming the Best You to bring you a special message about Sexual...

Seasons Change pt.2

So how do we embrace this season of change? 1) We have to look at ourselves in a different way and acknowledge that we are not so far...

New Series: A Woman of Virtue, Becoming the Best You!

Ladies, Do you know that you are a precious Jewel to the Father? Do you know that He created you in love? The world would tell you otherwis

Blog: Blog2
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